James A. Roberts James N. Johnson Aaron Cordell Timothy A. Smith James O. Edwards Isaac J. G. Harris Erica N. Peck
Gallia County Prosecuting Attorney, Jason D. Holdren, announces the recent sentencings of seven individuals in the Gallia County Common Pleas Court. The following individuals were sentenced to prison terms by Judge Margaret Evans of the Gallia County Common Pleas Court:
James A. Roberts, age 31, of Gallipolis, Ohio, was recently sentenced to 4.5 years in prison for his convictions of Domestic Violence with two prior convictions and Disruption of Public Service.
James N. Johnson, age 49, of Gallipolis, Ohio, was recently sentenced to 4.5 years in prison for his conviction of Sexual Battery. Additionally, Johnson is ordered to register as a Tier III Sex Offender.
Aaron Cordell, age 27, of Bidwell, Ohio, was recently sentenced to 4 years in prison for his convictions of Aggravated Trafficking in Drugs and Assault on a Peace Officer.
Timothy A. Smith, age 46, of Crown City, Ohio, was recently sentenced to 2 years in prison for his conviction of Failure to Notify Change of Address. Smith is a Tier II Sex Offender after being previously convicted for Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor in 2011.
James O. Edwards, age 31, of Gallipolis, Ohio, was recently sentenced to 18 months in prison for violating the terms of his community control. Edwards was convicted of meth charges earlier this year and placed on community control with an opportunity to receive treatment for his addiction. Edwards was noncompliant with his treatment and his probation was revoked.
Isaac J. G. Harris, age 32, of Gallipolis, Ohio, was recently sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for his convictions of Aggravated Possession of Drugs and Possession of Cocaine.
Erica N. Peck, age 30, of Cheshire, Ohio, was recently sentenced to 3 years in prison for her convictions of Aggravated Possession of Drugs, Failure to Appear, Complicity to Robbery, and Breaking and Entering.