Justin C. Doerfer Kevin L. Jackson William N. Sigman Steven R. Durham Nancy E. Saunders Lona M. Simpson Erica D. Mathes
Gallia County Prosecuting Attorney, Jason D. Holdren, announces the recent sentencings of seven individuals by Judge Margaret Evans in the Gallia County Common Pleas Court.
Justin C. Doerfer, age 36, of Gallipolis, Ohio, was sentenced to 12 months in prison for his recent conviction of Breaking and Entering, a felony of the fifth degree, as well as violating the terms of his community control on a separate case.
Kevin L. Jackson, age 32, of Hilliard, Ohio, was sentenced to 12 months in prison for his recent conviction of Forgery, a felony of the fifth degree. In addition, Jackson is ordered to pay restitution to the victim in the amount of $792.43.
William N. Sigman, age 49, of Bidwell, Ohio, was sentenced to 24 months in prison for his recent convictions of Breaking and Entering, a felony of the fifth degree; Tampering with Evidence, a felony of the third degree; and Possession of Cocaine, a felony of the fifth degree.
Steven R. Durham, age 48, of Langsville, Ohio, was sentenced to a prison term of 11 months for his recent convictions of Failure to Appear, a felony of the fourth degree, and Possession of Heroin, a felony of the fifth degree.
Nancy E. Saunders, age 33, of Gallipolis, Ohio, was recently convicted of Complicity to Theft, a felony of the fifth degree; Complicity to Illegal Conveyance, a felony of the third degree; and Receiving Stolen Property, a felony of the fifth degree. The Court sentenced Saunders to Community Control and reserved a prison term of five years. Saunders is required to successfully complete a Community Based Corrections Facility (CBCF). Upon her release, Saunders will be evaluated for participation in a halfway house and the Gallia County Common Pleas Drug Court.
Lona M. Simpson, age 35, of Pomeroy, Ohio, was recently convicted of Failure to Appear, a felony of the fourth degree; two counts of Possession of Heroin, felonies of the fifth degree; and Aggravated Possession of Drugs, a felony of the fifth degree. Simpson was sentenced to Community Control with a reserved a prison term of four and a half years. Simpson is required to successfully complete a CBCF, halfway house, and the Gallia County Common Pleas Drug Court.
Erica D. Mathes, age 32, of Patriot, Ohio, recently violated the terms of her community control and was ordered to successfully complete a CBCF, halfway house, and the Gallia County Common Pleas Drug Court.